Case: Online women's loungewear boutique on Instagram.

About the project
Lulight is an online shop supplying comfortable and elegant loungewear for women. The shop consists of pajamas, shirts, and dressing gowns. Lulight differs from their competitors by using high quality fabric, unique designs, quick tailoring for each individual customer, and free delivery within Russia. The store opened in March 2018
Main page screenshot
Stage 1. Preparation:
target audience and ad format
The target audience
Women aged 25 to 34 years old, from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The target audience is one that appreciates beauty and comfort, with a slightly higher income than the average.

Term of the work
October 2018 to present

Lulight has set the standard for their specific goals:

  • Increase sales through Instagram direct, WhatsApp, and Telegram. Traffic was also directed to the company's account exclusively.
  • Boost the number of active subscribers
We would like to note here that the customer insisted on the advertising campaign adhering to their corporate style. We were happy to oblige.

Screenshot taken in October 2018 before setting ads

Account design:
The account was well designed; the entire feed consisted of photographs taken in their own studio. We at Insta-driver, expressed our wishes to use photos from satisfied clients to boost sales. Even without said photos, the set goals were met.

Work strategy for October - December 2018
Briefing the client led us to identify the following target audiences.

Main audience:
- Interests: Underwear, Peignoir, Pajamas, Chemises, Dresses.

Audience segments for narrowing:
- Access to Facebook via latest phone models (Samsung, Apple,etc).
- The involvement of buyers: the percentage of users who have clicked on an advertisement of an online store in the past week.
- Shopping and fashion; women who are not afraid to spend money on clothes.
- Online shopping Individual audience.
- Look-a-like on account activity.
Stage 2. Launching the campaign, collecting key indicators, results
The following ads received the best feedback from customers:
In St. Petersburg city - 5.95 - 7.21 rubles per click. (0,08 eur)
In Moscow city - 4.65 - 6.19 rubles per click. (0,07 eur)
In St. Petersburg city - 5,52 — 5,81 rubles per click. (0,07 eur)
In Moscow city - 3,22 — 5,60 rubles per click. (0,06 eur)
The following ads showed themselves best:
In St. Petersburg city - 35,62 — 48,81 rubles per click. (0,51 eur)
In Moscow city - 3,22 — 5,60 rubles per click. (0,06 eur)
Indicators in December 2018
Stage 3. Work strategy for January - March 2019
By January 2019, clicks became more expensive. We then decided to launch an advertising campaign for a wider audience: women from St. Petersburg and Moscow aged 25 - 34 years. To make this more convenient for Facebook's AI algorithm, we joined the audience from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Result- The improved ads now look like this:
In St. Petersburg and Moscow city - 2,24 rubles per click. (0,025 eur)
In St. Petersburg and Moscow city - 2,90 rubles per click. (0,03 eur)

For Facebook Stories, the video with a girl in the following set performed the best:
In St. Petersburg and Moscow city - 2,85 rubles per click. (0,03 eur)
Final results
Indicators in March 2019
During our time with Lulight, a large number of un-subscriptions from the previous audience were recorded. Despite this, the account grew by 2,500 subscribers. They remain active and loyal to brand.

· 49,679.02 Rubles (€55,266) was spent in six months.
· Received 7,519 clicks.
· The average cost per click is 6.61 rubles. (€0.07)
· Growth in spite of un-subscribers with 2,450 new subscriptions.
· The average price per subscriber is 20.27 rubles (€0.23).

Due to client confidentiality, we cannot reveal the sales data. The client to this day remains satisfied and continues to gradually increase the advertising budget.

Future plans- With the improvement of sales in Moscow and St. Petersburg, we will begin to cover various regions near and abroad, primarily Kazakhstan.

We're still working in 2021 - their account has grown exponentially and they began to delivery worldwide
Do you want to get incredible results like this one? Contact us today!

E-mail: [email protected]
Whatsapp: +7(938)8668221